tahnik services

We celebrate the birth of your newborn Muslim.


Founded in 2020, TahnikServices.Sg is one of the companies that contributes to the Muslim community in Singapore. We provide excellent service standards when it comes to Tahnik & Aqiqah as its part of our forte. We do receive some feedback and comment that some parent had no time or knowledge to conduct a proper Tahnik for their newly born baby, Ms Sayeedah Nafisah (Founder) started TahnikServices.SG to render this noble service to the Muslim community in Singapore and also to have an intention to Uphold the Sunnah of The Prophet Muhammad SAW.

TahnikServices.SG celebrates the birth of a new born Muslim by offering the Tahnik ceremony services at your own comfort (HOME). The service includes the application of the Dates(Kurma), Honey(Madu) & Few Drops of Zam – Zam Water into the baby’s mouth and the first shaving of the baby’s hair.

The service is led by Ustaz Zaky Shaik Alwie, one of the most experience Juru Tahnik that’s available in Singapore. With more than 2500 baby’s that has been successfully completed by Ustaz Zaky himself.

tahnik services


Tahnik & Tahliq

It is Sunnah to have the Tahnik & Tahliq of the child done on the 7th, 14th or 21st days of the child’s life. TahnikServices.SG Advice to complete this before the Newly Born Baby turn 3 months old.


Opportunity to feed the poor in the celebration by offering them food and meat served on this occasion.


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aqiqah section
aqiqah section

Add On Kenduri Tahlil & Doa Selamat - $150

An Ustaz will come alone to lead your Majlis

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Add On Marhaban Request

$650 per Majlis: An Ustaz will come with 3-4 assistants, bringing their own sound system and instruments. The price includes Tahnik and Tahliq during the Majlis.
Please note:
  • The price does not include the amount for sedekah for the baby ’ s hair. You can choose to handle this yourself or give it to the Juru Tahnik, who will assist in distributing it to the poor and needy.
  • Bookings should be made at least 1 month in advance to check for availability.
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Frequently Asked Questions

It is a Sunnah of our Prophet Sollallahu 'alaihi wasallam to Aqiqah 2 sheeps for a son. However, if you wish to Aqiqah 1 goat first and another 1 at another time, this is also possible. To order 2 sheeps, simply change the Quantity to 2 for the Aqiqah package of your choice during registration.

Yes, you can register the services that you wish to engage with us. Book with our admin your tentative date & time. Upon birth, simply reply to that email the required details and then make payment. We will update you following that.

Aqiqah: 3 working days
Tahnik Tahliq: 5 working days

*To check on last minute availability, please call 90044229, Daily 10.30 am to 4.30 pm, excluding Public Holidays.

Our Ustaz will attend to babies who are at most 3 months old. This is because if they are any older, they will fidget, making it very difficult to shave their hair.

The amount of sedekah will be based on the harga emas for that day. This is calculated per gram according to the current price of gold. This amount is not included in the fees. You can donate this amount to anyone you know who falls into the category of Poor and Needy. Alternatively, you can pass this amount to the Ustaz, and he will donate it for you.


... I find the tahnik service exceeds our expectation. Inclusive of marhaban semua alhamdulillah.👍 👍 👍100%. Ustadz Zaky also very professional and takda hiccups. And I really appreciate the all-in-package with the Aqiqah. Hassle free. I will definitely recommend this service to friends and family.

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Send us any enquiry on our services and we will reply you as soon as possible!
